Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ten Things I Love About My Mom

Today is my lovely mama's birthday! To celebrate, I'm listing out 10 things I absolutely love about her.

photo credit: Sackett Photography
  1. She's a helper to my Dad. She does lots & lots of bookwork for the business. Plus she helps around the house and encourages him to make healthier choices.
  2. She supported my sisters and me with lots of extra-curricular activities. Piano lessons, voice lessons, dance lessons, choirs & bands, musicals & plays, speech, photography classes, sports, and basically anything "extra" we wanted to try...I truly feel like my opportunities were limitless as I was growing up.
  3. She's a fighter. She quit smoking years ago and has recently lost a bunch of weight working out & eating healthy. She overcame cancer gracefully. She's a strong, strong lady.
  4. She's good at making friends. She has made new friends and kept old ones through her quilting hobby. They actually get together and do fun things!
  5. She gets things done! She completes projects. Sure she has some unfinished projects, but she has finished many, MANY quilts and sewing goodies.
  6. She doesn't complain or play the victim. She definitely did not have the easiest life growing up, but I never hear her complain or place blame on anyone. She was determined to give my sisters and me a loving & stable home...and she certainly succeeded!
  7. She's an awesome Grandma! She made sure their home was stocked with baby necessities so her grandbabies would have everything they could ever need when visiting. She is willing to drop everything to help out when needed.
  8. She is generous. She gives extravagant gifts! Homemade gifts like her quilts, canned foods, hooded towel for Erin, messenger bag, baby carrier, etc. Or just things that she doesn't use anymore that she knows we could use. Or, if she doesn't have any ideas for Christmas or birthdays, she is ok giving gift cards or money as a gift. So, so generous.
  9. She is spontaneous and fun. She is almost always up for a spur of the moment shopping trip! I rarely plan ahead, so I really appreciate this quality in her!
  10. I know she loves me. Never once have I doubted her love for me. Growing up, I felt wanted, valued, cherished, and cared for.
photo credit: Sackett Photography

Happy birthday, Mom! I love you so, SO much!! Thank you for being you and for being the best mama a girl could ask for.

1 comment:

  1. Bridget--Wow!!! How sweet are you!! Thank you for all the wonderful comments. You are truly a compassionate daughter. Love you Bridget!!!!
