I'm starting the year off with a new blog! I'll try to post regularly, but I'm making no promises.
Erin and I got to spend the whole day together. It was a relaxing and fun day filled with puzzles, coloring, music, walking, climbing, and lots and lots of stories. My heart's desire is to be a stay-at-home mama and I cherish whenever I get to spend a full day with her.
Erin turned 14 months old on December 30th. She also decided to walk that day! Her favorite foods are crackers, blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, pears, applesauce, Great Grandma's cinnamon rolls, pizza, cheese, and any bread product. She does not like peaches or tomatoes. She is an excellent sleeper, consistently sleeping 12 hours at night and about 2 hours during the day. She LOVES books. She'll choose her books over her toys 9 times out of 10. Her favorites are Moo Baa La La La, On the Go with Mickey and Minnie, Baby Cakes, and The Busy Little Elf.
Erin's first word was "Briskee" (nickname of our dog, Brisco) at around 12 months old. Soon to follow were "kitty", "uh oh", "whoa", and "what's that". (She has a bird mobile above her crib. Drew and I would oftentimes point to it and ask her, "What's that? Your birdies?" She picked up the "what's that" but not "birdies".) The other day at around suppertime, I asked her, "are you hungry?" and she replied plain as day with "hungry". She also speaks lots and lots of jibberish (almost constantly) which I'm sure will change to English before I know it.
All in all, Erin has been SUCH a blessing and I am beyond excited to get to know her more in 2014!
Love the new look! I am excited for you to start blogging again :) I find it much easier if I have photos to go along with whatever I plan to write.